January : 2017 has started well with 2 shows so far and 2 double clears with one narrowly missing out on qualifying for the amateur 1.20 class at the London horse show.
I have a new horse to produce this year as a small hunter/ riding horse and I’m very excited about him although it may be a while before his first show ! Pictured at the bottom , Jack has settled in to the yard well and is a joy to handle but can be sharp when ridden but has definitely improving each day.
Storm has started being ridden after his holiday and is happy to be out and about with his first show around the corner , we have our eyes set on grassroots eventing again which takes the boredom out of trotting in circles all the time!
With foxhunter 2nd rounds and a few grade C classes to contend with Cadillac , and hunter classes and workers with Jack plus grassroots and ROR events with Storm I can see were not going to have time to sit around so looking forward to some great competition and hopefully as good as results as 2016.